US Express Track Club welcomes all adults interested in participating in track and field. Whether you are 19, 35, 57, or 80+, you are welcome to join our family. Our team provides for opportunity for:
* training groups
* assistance with workouts
* ability to create relay teams for open and master championship events.
* Provides a family environment for all to belong!!!!!
Our program falls under the two USATF distinct teams, Master's and Open/Elite divisions
The Master's offer a variety of competitive and fitness opportunities in track & field, long distance running, and race walking. Competitions take place in 5-year age divisions for individuals and 10-year age divisions for teams. Age divisions begin at age 30 for track & field and race walking, and at age 40 for long distance running.
Masters meets and races are more than competition--they're also fun! And, regardless of the level of competition, it's an opportunity to make new friends or reconnect with old ones!
The Open/Elite Group gives those that are in between Youth and Masters the ability to compete. Whether you are an elite athlete running professionally, an athlete who has completed their college eligibility and want to continue compete or you are an athlete who are over the age of 18 and just desire to compete, our team is for you.
You can throw, run, walk or jump............There's something for all to do....